2 Bedroom grd floor flat

Off Plan Offer £70,000 (£80,000 on Completion)

  • Small rear garden
  • Wheelchair access
  • Fitted Kitchen
  • Fitted bathroom
  • On-site parking
  • Water & Electricity
  • 24hrs Security
  • Car (ask for details)
  • Access to roof top
  • Payment options:
    • One Off
    • 3 Instalments 
    • 12 Months Mortgage 

2 bedRoom  1st floor flat

Off plan offer £65,000 (£75,000 on Completion)

  • Fitted Kitchen
  • Fitted bathroom
  • On-site parking
  • Water & Electricity
  • 24hrs Security
  • Car (ask for details)
  • Access to roof top
  • Open plan kitchen
  • Good views
  • Payment options:
    • One Off
    • 3 Instalments
    • 12 Months Mortgage

2 bedroom 2nd floor flat

Off plan offer £70,000 (£80,000 on Completion)

  • Lovely distant views
  • Fitted Kitchen
  • Fitted bathroom
  • On-site parking
  • Water & Electricity
  • 24hrs Security
  • Car (ask for details)
  • Access to roof top
  • Open plan kitchen
  • Payment options:
    • One Off
    • 3 Instalments
    • 12 Months Mortgage

Other properties for sale:

Airport Residency Estate.

Last 2 plots of land (20x20) left at Global Properties Airport Residency Estate. 5mins from the airport and on the other side of the airport's runway (so no plane noise). The main high is under construction for the proposed OIC conference - best time to buy here with the super highway coming. This is in an estate with electricity and water. Global properties have fenced the estate. We plan to construct 2 detached properties here. Please contact us for our designs, plans and deals. 

6 Plots of land in Tanji

We are happy to sell plots individually or as a whole. Each plot is £4000 (20x20). Location is in an estate and a 25mins drive from the main road (opposite Tanji market by the petrol station). Please send us a message via our contact us page if interested.